Faculty Welcome Page
The COED Office of Assessment is happy to welcome you to our College!

Please let us know if we can be of assistance with you moving forward. This page contains several links for new / returning faculty as resources. As you move through the page, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at coedassessment@charlotte.edu.
–Dr. Brad Smith, Director, COED Office of Assessment and Accreditation
–Brandi Lewis, University Program Associate, COED Office of Assessment and Accreditation
Taskstream in Your Course!
- The Cato College of Education uses Taskstream as our primary assessment system. Please click below to view a brief video:
- Taskstream Login link – you must have your Niner Net credentials to log in.
- COED Taskstream Help page – click here to find Department charts of which courses have Taskstream requirements. Please check this to see if your course includes a Taskstream assessment!!
**The deadline for faculty to have all work assessed in Taskstream is the same day semester grades are due!! **
Please note: the COED Office of Assessment has requested accounts for all new faculty that we have information for. If you attempt Taskstream login but do not have access, please send an email requesting account access with your name, 800#, and Niner Net login to taskstream@charlotte.edu.
COED Assessment – Faculty Calibration Activity
Faculty Calibration Activity – required of all faculty!
All faculty are required to calibrate on our COED Assessment of Professional Dispositions every three years. This tool is used by all programs and calibration is required of all faculty, for both assessment and accreditation purposes. The Calibration Activity is a separate Canvas module … faculty must be enrolled and invited to the Calibration module.
The Office of Assessment will do this for you automatically … please accept the email invitation when you receive it and complete the Calibration Activity by TBD. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Brad Smith at BradleySmith@charlotte.edu.
COED Data Dashboards – for Internal Use Only!
The COED maintains multiple data dashboards to report data for various programs. Faculty are welcome to peruse these dashboards for program improvement purposes or to consider future research projects. Any COED dashboard data used for research purposes must be approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
- Data included on the dashboard are comprised of Student Learning Outcome (SLO) data sources and external data required review by external mandate or accreditation purposes. We have not included all available COED data.
- There are two (2) COED Data Dashboard Sites and more information can be viewed on this page.
- If there is a specific data set or comparison you wish to use that is not available on the dashboard, please contact Dr. Brad Smith at BradleySmith@charlotte.edu.
NOTE: Access to the Dashboards is restricted to current full-time faculty only. To request access, submit a request to the COED Office of Assessment at coedassessment@charlotte.edu.
COED Assessment – edTPA Resources
edTPA Resources
edTPA is used in the COED to assess student teaching candidates at the end of their programs. We embed edTPA “practice tasks” throughout the program of study. Faculty teaching in the initial licensure programs (REEL, MDSK, and SPCD departments) will need access to the edTPA Canvas sites.
- COED edTPA Resources page for students and faculty – all edTPA materials, handbooks, templates, video permissions, and resource documents are available from this site. To access the site, faculty and students self-enroll using these directions.
- COED Faculty Examples site – Examples of edTPA samples for faculty to use with students. Only faculty have access — videos may not be downloaded from this site. To access this site, send an email requesting access to coedassessment@charlotte.edu or contact Brandi Lewis in the Office of Assessment at bllewis@charlotte.edu.
COED Course Outlines and Syllabi Inserts
The COED Course Outlines and Syllabi inserts for 2023-24 are available in the Google Drive Folder. Syllabi Inserts can be DOWNLOADED to your complter and used as needed. This list of standards alignment and policis is required for COED courses/syllabi in our college, faculty are welcome to add additional policies as needed. The Office of Legal Affairs has recommended syllabus language for a variety of possible situations on their website. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Brad Smith at BradleySmith@charlotte.edu.