Faculty Calibration Information

As part of our ongoing program improvement work, faculty who teach in the EDLD, MDSK, REEL, and SPCD departments must complete calibration in the assessment of professional disposition rubric. Faculty calibration assesses inter-rater reliability scoring of assessment rubrics. Implementing these calibrations assists the COED Office of Assessment and Accreditation in identifying areas of current strength and those in which instructional improvements are needed. 

Faculty Calibration Step by Step Instructions

Expectations for you:

  1. Enroll into the Faculty Calibration Training Canvas site following the instructions sent via email.
  2. Select the assessment that you want to calibrate on.
  3. Review and complete the calibration activity as directed.
  4. Record your scores via the “quiz” function in Canvas by the established deadline (Oct. 1 for fall 2023).

Things to note:

  • COED OAA will send you a score report with your results.
  • The minimal score for calibration is 80% accuracy identifying Level 1 vs. Level 2-3 behaviors. A response is only considered incorrect if a Level 1 behavior is not identified. Selecting Level 2 when Level 3 is the best match (or vice versa) is still considered a correct response. This may not be reflected in the score provided at the end of the Canvas quiz. COED OAA will send you your actual score report.
  • Calibration scores are valid for three years.
  • No data will be reported individually. Data will be aggregated when shared.
  • The intention is to increase faculty understanding about these key assessments and meet accreditation demands.
  • An FAQ document is provided.