Data Dashboards

Please read this information before using the dashboards:
- The COED data dashboards are provided for program improvement purposes only. Any COED dashboard data used for research purposes must be approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
- Data included on the dashboard are comprised of Student Learning Outcome (SLO) data sources and external data required review by external mandate or accreditation purposes. We have not included all available COED data.
- Instructions on how to use the data dashboards are available at this link. If you have any suggestions for other data to include on the dashboards, please follow the instructions on page 10.
There are two (2) COED Data Dashboards: (Click here for instructions on how to use Dashboard)
- The Initial Teacher Licensure Programs Data Dashboard (Linked)— this dashboard includes data for 1) undergraduate teaching programs; and 2) graduate certificate in teaching programs. Note: the Urban Youth Minor, the TESL Minor, and the READ Minor data are not included.
- The Graduate Programs Data Dashboard (Linked) — this dashboard includes data for 1) all graduate certificate programs except those in teaching; 2) Masters programs; and 3) Doctoral programs.
NOTE: Access to the Dashboards is restricted to current full-time faculty only. To request access, submit a request to the COED Office of Assessment at
All data is still available in the excel format on the Shared Drive (S Drive) for faculty with access.